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Stop Drinking Guide - About Alcoholism

By Eddie Philips

Alcohol is always found present throughout our different cultures and our social occasions have almost become dependent on alcohol. It is common knowledge that drinking moderately won't harm us and some Doctors even recommend a daily glass of red wine, but the trend to drink heavily has increased recently and people are experimenting with alcohol at an ever earlier age.

How does alcohol actually affect our brain? Well alcohol has something in common with most other drugs and this is that it affects our brain and we like it. Unfortunately our system becomes tolerant to small quantities of alcohol, so we start drinking larger quantities to maintain the same effect. The consequence being that we drink more and more to feel the same and there's nothing that is going to stop us from becoming an alcoholic.

Alcohol dependency can also result in;- 1) Dementia - Basically that's memory loss, a bit like Alzheimer's dementia. 2)Psychosis - Scary stuff when you start to hear voices.

3)Dependence - If you do manage to stop drinking alcohol then it won't take long before you start to experience withdrawal symptoms including shaking, nervousness and sometimes actually seeing things that aren't there. 4)Suicide - an incredible 40% of men who have made an attempt at killing themselves have also had a drink problem whereas an amazing 70% have been drunk while taking their own life.

Are alcohol and suffering from depression related in any way? We do know that there is common ground between the two when to comes to people who inflict pain on themselves and those who attempt suicide. There is also evidence that proves that the brain undergoes chemistry changes while under the effects of alcohol. Other alcohol related problems include depression, family problems, poor work performance and both memory and sexual performance have a negative affect.

Alcohol is a great instrument for helping us to just blank out our problems, but the effect won't last for ever. Alcohol really can make us feel relaxed and is a great aid when it comes to socializing. We can really open ourselves up to people and it really can help you to meet someone, but we can't maintain the charade for very long.

Being depressed is not a nice way to feel and people tend just reach out for alcohol as it always seems to be the best option for coping with life. Unfortunately alcohol will just turn into another form of medicine for depression and the only result in to drink more and more and more. So should you feel that the time has come to stop drinking, first just admit that you have a problem with booze. Then look for help and I would recommend that you start taking a look at a blog that is provided by and you will soon see why.

Discover how to Stop Drinking Alcohol In 21 Days - Guaranteed by expert Ed Philips and find further guidance here to help you Stop Drinking Alcohol.

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Alcoholism Treatment

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